
Dear District Leaders and Supporters (all in Bcc)

I’m really keen to have Scouting be an opportunity to be  something fun and adventurous for adults as well. 
I’ve attached the information on this years Hertfordshire Scouts Introductory/Intermediate Mountaineering Course (IMC) held in Scotland  around the Easter period.
Its a fantastic opportunity to have fun, meet others from Hertfordshire and push yourself a little in a well supported environment. 
Please consider attending,  whatever the section you are involved with. This course does cost, but I’m sure you’ll agree £275 for a week away does offer value for money. To assist, the District Executive has kindly  allocated funding for adult adventures.  Once I know how many are interested I’ll be able to let those attending how much we can partially reimburse individuals probably £50-£100 each .  This funding is for adult leaders than haven’t attended before, and is available for three years with a  budget of £1000 per year. If you don’t make it on this years course, we’ll have something for those attending next year, plus I’ll look for something for leaders who don’t or cant hill walk.
 Please copy me in if you do decide to go on this, so I know the numbers attending. If you need more information to see if this is right for you, I’m sure we have the right people to answer your questions.
Thanks for all you do for our young people.

Kerry Clark

District Commissioner, Potters Bar and District Scouts
All Documents can be downloaded here ; https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1f7gdaJ3sHhNZYJvW7ckFhszkeNbT6HYP?usp=sharing

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