
Recognise Achievements…

We want to say Thank You to all achievements that happen within the District, but we need your help in reporting them to us.

Who can I recognise?

  • A person (eg a leader, parent, volunteer)
  • A section or unit (eg Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network, ASU)
  • A Group (eg 5th Potters Bar)
  • An external organisation or company

What can I recognise?

Anything but here is a couple of ideas;

  • A section meeting that went really well
  • A Leader that helped do something (like organise a camp or supported another Group)
  • A parent helper who took a Group to their workplace
  • A Young Leader that went above and beyond
  • An Executive member who did lots of fundraising
  • An external company that lends a hand to a Group

Who can fill in the form?

Anyone, from leaders, volunteers, parents, the list is endless.

What will then happen?

The person/group/organisation will receive a special thank you card signed by a member of the district team.

We might (and not limited to); tweet & Facebook them to the District, include them in our newsletter, present them at our annual AGM or maybe post them on our website. We’d like to share your comments with as many people as possible!

To recognise an achievement fill out this form:

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We’re Looking for a New District Lead Volunteer!
4th February 2025